Our Projects

Below are some of our favorite projects. Click on the image to see detailed information. All projects are public domain for non-commercial purposes. Technical specs and designs will be provided upon request (see our Contact page).

Compact Burton-inspired blowoff

Based loosely on a study of Burton unions and some homegrown devices on the internet, this is a compact device to contain and capture blowoff from fermentations. Click on the image to learn more.

Cornelius Keg System

Our on premise keg system is a 1980s Cornelius four-tap premix soda dispenser that has been reconditioned, upgraded, and converted for dispensing beer, cider, seltzer, and yes even soda. A true labor of love.

Hop Spider

A device that spans the top of a brew kettle and holds a mesh bag that drops down into the wort. Creates a "hole" in the wort to easily add hops, spices, and adjuncts.

Custom Coffee Roasters

Sure, there are plenty of commercial coffee roasting machines for purchase, but what is the fun in that? In true homebrew spirit the building of roasting equipment is almost as fun as brewing and drinking the coffee (almost). We have developed a roasting system with a semi-automated controller able to operate multiple types of roasters..