Saratoga Suds

Saratoga Suds is a home brewery. We produce all kinds of beverages for consumption by friends and family. We do not sell our products, but always have something tasty to share if you stop by. It is a hobby that has expanded over the years from making basic beers to brewing all manner of fermented beverages. Recently the hobby space expanded to coffee roasting. What's next, who knows, the sky is the limit.

So where did our name come from? We live on Saratoga Avenue. The "suds" part is obvious. Everyone in the family helped come up with the name. If you want to find out more send us a message via the Contact section. If you are wondering why a home brewery has a website, well, it is all part of the hobby.


In 2008 I received a Cooper's brew kit for Christmas (Aussie version of Mr. Beer), which was used to brew the first batch of Saratoga Suds beer...and it was awful. I wondered why people would homebrew as a hobby with such a horrible outcome? After hitting the books and learning a lot online, the second batch was an order of magnitude better. It has all been upward from there. As the years went by, we expanded into different beer styles, meads, sodas and other beverages. Check our Homebrewing section and Blog to see what we have available and what is coming soon.

The beverages we produce are crafted in the true sense of the word. At a homebrew scale we can afford to use only the best and freshest ingredients. Everything is brewed with care in small batches. We grow our own hops on site and use them to produce a harvest beer every year. As much as possible, we source ingredients fresh out of our garden. All this has a positive and noticeable impact on the final product.


In 2019 I expanded my lifelong passion of drinking coffee into coffee roasting. Like many others I started with a popcorn air popper that I bought for $2.99 USD at Goodwill and some cheap beans from Amazon. Being an engineer, mechanical modifications soon followed, and after that computerized control. Since then I have built two other roasters, and built a sophisticated control system that operates all of them.

More important than the engineering is the coffee. Almost every drop of coffee served in our house is home-roasted. I have been on a mission to roast coffee from as many different countries as possible, and I am well on my way. We source from reputable single-origin sellers on the internet.

Like brewing, coffee roasting is one of those hobbies that allows unlimited exploration so there is something for everyone. To learn more about what we are up to, see the Coffee section.